cc class: Installation
Some TeX distributions give you a package manager or similar. You can use it to install the package computational-complexity. It will automatically put everything in the correct places.
Otherwise, you have to do it manually:
- Download cc.ins, cc.dtx and cc-journals.bib to a new folder, say foo. (With netscape you can do this by holding Shift and pressing the left mouse button on the file names! With internet explorer use right mouse button.)
- Change directory to this folder (cd foo) and execute:
tex cc.insIn an up-to-date environment this should work.
- However, if docstrip is not installed on your system (it should be!) or it is too old, this does not work. Update your system!
- Otherwise you have to install docstrip and repeat the last line. (If the output contains a line beginning Utility: `docstrip' you have it. If it continues 2.5b <1998/04/28> or later, your version is fine.)